With the2017 Victoria’s Secret Runway Show happening in Shanghai slated to be the largest ever staged, VS angels chosen to walk the coveted runway this year are building up the excitement with minute by minute twitter, facebook and IG updates. Here’s the funny thing about the annual Victoria’s Secret gig. As captivating as the lingerie, bejeweled Fantasy Bras and guest star performances season after season may be, it is really the bevy of wing-bearing VS models with their dazzling smiles, perfectly tousled manes and lithe bodies who lured us to sit glued to the tv screen during CBS LIVE Broadcast of the annual fashion extravaganza.

“You don’t get a free pass to this show, you don’t get in because you are somebody, you get in because you earned it.”— Ed Razek, senior creative @Victoria’s Secret who decide who’s in who’s out.

When it comes to beauty perfection from head to toe, the VS models are indeed in a league of their own. While it’s arguable that youth is on the side for newly mintedjunior angels, veterans like Adriana Lima who would be walking the runway for the 18thtime this year, and a handful from the exclusive alumni, obviously know a trick or two about looking good. Here’s a round-up of the 5 most iconic VS supermodels who’ve donned those infamous pink satin robes, strapped on those wings and strutted down the runway from beginning to now, giving us a hint on how to look as close to heavenly perfection as one can be.

Angel Veronica Webb— Highlight your personal best

Actress, writer, television personality and ex-90s supermodel Veronica Webb was right there in the beginning when it first started, one of the first models to be signed by the lingerie powerhouse way back in 1995. Taking roots as a small humble underwear presentation at The Plaza in NYC, the Victoria’s Secret Runway Show had since metamorphosed into one of the world’s biggest fashion spectacle, boasting a multi-million-dollar budget that most designers’ brands would kill to have. Looking closer to 30 than her actual age of 50, ex-Angel Veronica looks like she’s ever-ready to reprise her role at a snap of the fingers though her wing-bearing days were left far behind. Adding beauty editor (AS IF Magazine) to her impressive resume, Veronica is a living example to her own beauty mantra, and has more than a handful of extra beauty tips to dispense. Notably, she believes in highlighting one’s best asset, enhancing the feature and letting it shine through.

“For me, it’s my skin. I actually skipped all other makeup except a little foundation most of the time. For you, it could be your skin, eyes, lips or cheekbones. But whatever you feel it is, play that one feature up to the hilt! Trust me: Less is very often so much more.”— Veronica Webb

Many women tend to focus on correcting what they see as their flaws and took for granted their best feature,often overlooking or neglecting the attention they deserved. Just as no fresh blooms will remain beautiful forever, the most attractive looking pair of eyes or lips will start to depreciate in value and lose out on its fan-base over time. Maintenance is therefore key to upkeep and secure the longevity of your winning asset, bringing out its very best, and keeping it that way for as long as possible. Lucky to have Nature bestowed upon you a luscious pair of puckers that make you the Angelina Jolie of your tribe? Keep the accolades of praises coming with regular Revitalift Lips treatments that give them that extra mileage needed to cruise above the beauty hierarchy where they rightfully belong. A novel injection technique that introduces naturally occurring hyaluronic acid into your lipsto keep them youthful looking without overtly amping up their size nor volume, your all-natural beauty top dog gets the VVIP treatment to keep its celebrity status unchallenged, enhancing your innate X factor the au naturel way.

Read More: 5 Superb Ways to Make your Smile More Attractive

Angel Heidi Klum— Incorporate fitness into your everyday life

German supermodel turned successful television personality and show producer, Heidi Klum, was an all-time favorite VS angel who stole the limelight every single one of the 11 times she walked the runway,before retiring her wings for good in  2010.Besides being chosen not once, twice but thrice as the ambassador to showcase the crown jewel of the show, the Fantasy Bra, Hedi gave us many memorable moments in VS history, including a spectacular costume reveal that transformed her into a giant snowflake, and a super PDA moment of a live duet with then spouse, Seal.

“ I pretend that it’s bikini season all year as I run along my favorite route in NYC. It’s a beautiful path, and you always feel surrounded by such an amazing community, seeing the same people running every morning, and they inspire me to keep going. That and knowing there is a Starbucks coffee at the end of the route.” — Heidi Klum

Even as her feathered wings gathered dust as the years roll past, Heidi at 44 remains as a perennial fave when it comes to celebrities’ red carpet spotting from LA to Cannes. While it’s expected for angels to run that extra mile on the treadmill in days leading up to the all important show, Heidi advocates incorporating fitness in your everyday life for beauty and healthy living.

Angel Gisele Bundchen— Drop the hairbrush for coiffure care

Undisputedly the sexiest Victoria’s Secret angel of all time, no models had come close to match the attention that Brazilian bombshell, Gisele Bundchen commanded every time she strutted down the gilded runway, from year 2000-2007. Perhaps it’s hergenetically gifted features, natural poise, and that innate Brazilian sultriness, Gisele continue to influence our decision and was once described by VOGUE IT as “the King Midas of Fashion”, turning every product she touts to gold.To ensure the health of her signature mane of perfectly tousled beach curls that earned her legions of fans and multi-million dollar endorsement deals, Gisele opt for a low-maintenance off-duty style, skipping the hair dryer and ditching the brushes to avoid overstyling which damages your strands in the long run.

“In my job, you have to remember people are brushing my hair every day. You have to remember the last thing I want [on a day off] is a brush in my hair!”— Gisele Bundchen

Suitable for both men and women, the FDA approved Revage 670 Laser is widely recognised as the gold standard of low level light therapy to address your follicular woes, mantaining existing lushness or rejuvenating thinning hair back to its former glory. With a total of 30 laser diodes, this state of the art system provides critical coherent beams as a direct source of laser energies in a hood that goes over the scalp to ensure maximum laser energy contact over the area(s) to be treated. With its advanced Rotational PhotoTherapy (RPT) system, Revage 670 maximizes stimulation of each hair follicle at a much higher level, putting its reliability and efficacy way above that of traditional hand-held devices.

“Revage 670 is a low-level laser energy system that is safe and painless with absolutely no downtime.” Explains Dr. Toby Hui, senior consultant with the SW1 Clinic (formerly known as The Sloane Clinic) “When paired with Revitascalp treatments in our in-house Keramax Scalp Program specially designed to combat hair loss,thickening of fine, miniaturized hair often seen in women with diffuse thinning or general weakening is achieved; restoring hair density and volume to bring you back to those better days that your crowning glory had once witnessed.”

Read More: BB AquaTouch Laser: Airbrush “Photoshop” Skin in Real Life

Angel Tyra Banks— Embrace positive body image

Tyra Banks found success in two equally illustrious careers, garnering rave reviews both during her former catwalk days as a supermodel, and as a larger than life television personality in her latter years. In 1997, Tyra became the first African American chosen to front the cover of the Victoria’s Secret catalog, and went on to become a VS angel, donning those infamous wings for 9 straight years in running till her highly publicised retirement in 2005. The creator of “American Next Top Model” often spoke openly against body shaming in the fashion industry, citing her switch from high fashion to lingerie model as a concious decision made to embrace her womanly curves and put a stop to the constant weight struggle in order to fit into sample pieces of couture.

“Stop saying these negative things about yourself. Look in the mirror and find something about yourself that’s positive and celebrate that.”— Tyra Banks.

Many factors govern the success of weight loss and re-shaping of the body to the ideal image you’ve in mind. When a boost in confidence is required or the best of slimming efforts hit a plateau, get round this cul de sac with scientifically proven treatments that target focal destruction of unwanted pockets of adipose tissue. If surgical liposuction is not on your beauty wishlist, Coolshape is your next best betfor assisted body contouring. Performed comfortably within the premises of a private medical suite @theSW1 Clinic located in Paragon Orchard Medical Centre, Coolshape engages the gold standard of fat-freezing behind Zeltig technology for ‘cryolipolysis’ and not just some generic platform. Going an extra mile to ensure faster visible results and a quicker recovery time, this is paired with Dream Body Tone, a bi-phasic treatment optimizing lymphatic drainage of  surrounding tissues to speed up the clearance of broken down fat cells coupled with the immediate trans-dermal delivery of skin strengthening vitamins via sonophoresis to support collagen regeneration and remodeling. Aimed at improving overall skin tone and elasticity over the area(s) treated with CoolShaping, this trusty body toning sidekick works in tandem to get you supermodel ready for your own VS runway show in double quick time!

Angel Adriana Lima— Go with the Pro

Together with BFF Alessandro Ambrosio, Adriana Lima is the longest serving Victoria’s Secret angel, walking alongside and holding her own against models who were barely crawling when she first hit the glittery runway 18 years ago in 1999. The 36 years old veteran angel has no intentions of retiring from the Victoria’s Secret runway anytime soon, with a plan to stay, as long as her body allows her. Never one to hide behind filters and editing apps, Adriana prefers to upload un-edited images of her sweating and destroying while working out. Her approach to beauty is simple yet definitive, prefering to entrust the care of her skin to experts who can advise her on a professional level.

“I do not have a lot on my skin, but I like to use products from my facial guy that I go to in Paris. He is a different type of facialist. When you go in it’s not like there is a menu, he builds everything for you, for your skin. Your skin changes based on a million different things–what you eat, where you travel. So he sees you and he builds for you based on that.”— Adriana Lima.

Rather than groping in the dark trying to figure out your skin type and its needs, enlist the help of professional to put you right on the fast track of everlasting Beauty.

If hereditary speaking you’ve drawn the shorter straw, get round your shortfall with Rejuran DNA Resurgence, a 30 minute treatment backed up by advanced scientific studies aimed to transform any aging visage from drab to fab. The DNA of young people is regulated to express the right genes at the right time, butthis regulatory mechanism gradually gets disrupted as the years rolled by, making this an important cause of aging. However, this rule does not apply universally, as there are people whose DNA appear youthful despite their advanced year, making them those “Natural Born Angels” who lucked out with a genetics jackpot hit of triple 7. By delivering salmon DNA extracts (polynucleotides) into your skin via this simple, ingenious therapy, aging skin cells are repaired and rejuvenate from within. Effects are seen about 3-5 days from your treatment, with most patients reporting an improvement in brightening, lifting, elasticity and overall appearance of their complexion. Be the perennial VS angel ruling your life’s runway from 20 to 70, just because you can, and deserve to look your very best at any given age.


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