A new year often brings about the prospect of a renewed focus, and a newfound zest for the betterment of ourselves.
It’s our chance to start things on a fresh slate, and that may come in the form of doing something better than we did, or pay new attention to what we might have once wrongfully neglected… which brings me to the whole point of this article.
Our quest for everlasting youth has also been an everlasting one, and while we’ve amassed a significant amount of experience in that aspect, there are still uncharted territories we have yet to conquer. The neck is easily one of these territories.
The area around our neck is one of the thinnest of our body, and that means it also contains the lowest concentrations of collagen. With collagen being an essential component required for skin rejuvenation, a deficit of that means your neck is aging – aggressively at that.
What you need in a situation like this, is something known as the Nefertiti Facelift.
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The Target Groups
Now don’t be put off by all the scientific jargon in the image above – this is not biology class all over again.
All you need to do is note all the areas these weird names point to – these are the areas that are aging and sagging that you might not pay much mind to, and exactly what the Nefertiti Lift targets.
It all starts from the Platysma; the muscles around the neck area that frequently get strained from various facial expressions, and also act as the bridge from the neck to the face.
The duress the Platysma muscles goes under from physical exertion, laughing, frowning or crying causes the skin around your neck to stretch and sag, like a constantly stretched rubber band.
With the Platysma muscles being connected to your facial muscles, any form of deterioration of the neck translates directly on your face too – causing you to look like the human version of this:
Now, this look’s adorable for dogs… but not so much for us.
Read more: Look out for these aesthetic trends in 2021
The Nefertiti “Gift”
Notice the crisply defined jawline and smooth-textured neck of the artist’s impression of Nefertiti? This is true to form, crafted in her time – and that is what the Nefertiti Facelift precisely sets out to emulate.
This facelift keeps your neck and jowls from heading south, by way of muscle-relaxing microinjections you barely feel (especially after the use of a numbing agent).
Strategic positioning of these injections will help to soften the pull of downward pulling facial muscles, paving the way for upward pulling muscles to lift and tighten up your skin with perpetual ease.
With this mini-lift that works on your skin in a major way, the impetus is on you to continue Nefertiti’s legacy… she’d want that for you too.