When you sit down and really think about it, we women go through a lot. We get monthly periods, give birth, and of course, go through menopause. Each of these changes our body in some manner, good and bad. One of these unwanted side effects is vaginal laxity which we rarely talk about. So let’s get down to business and discuss what vaginal laxity really is, its causes, and how you can treat it. 

What is vaginal laxity?

Vaginal laxity, commonly referred to as vaginal loosening, happens when the tissues in the vagina stretch. Unlike notorious myths and old wives’ tales, it is worth noting that vaginal laxity does not occur when you have too much sex. The muscles in the vagina work like rubber bands that can naturally expand or retract. In the case of vaginal laxity, this usually happens due to childbirth, ageing, hormonal changes, or medical conditions. 

Symptoms include vaginal dryness, sexual discomfort, inability to orgasm, decreased libido, urinary leakage (especially when coughing or sneezing), and itching. 

How does it happen?

There are two main reasons why your vagina loosens: ageing and childbirth. 

As you age, specifically when you enter your perimenopausal stage, your oestrogen levels drop. This causes your vaginal walls to become thinner, drier, and more flexible. Childbirth, on the other hand, stretches the vaginal muscles so that the baby can get out. And while a vagina can go back to normal after doing so, it’s not the same as before. 

How can I treat vaginal laxity?

Vaginal laxity can affect your confidence, especially since it can cause sexual discomfort. It can impact your intimacy, so if you are looking for ways to treat it, here are some: 

Do Kegel exercises. 

Kegel exercises are particularly helpful for toning the pelvic floor, reducing incontinence, and increasing sexual satisfaction. This is also one of the most popular ways to naturally tighten your vagina. It involves clenching and releasing movements to activate the pelvic floor muscles, which support the vagina and surrounding tissues.

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Visit Your Doctor.

Don’t be afraid. Surgery may be one option to help with vaginal laxity but it isn’t the only one. Speak to your doctor about using laser therapy which is known to tighten the muscles in the vagina and stimulate collagen formation. One such treatment is the Intimate Renewal Program which consists of two lasers, Fraxel Light and Thulium Whitening lasers, that rejuvenate and accentuate our delicate parts. These two lasers work together to brighten the skin and also encourage collagen production, improving overall skin elasticity. This helps to rejuvenate vaginal tissue and make it better-lubricated and flexible.

Opt for oestrogen therapy.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) replenishes the lost oestrogen due to menopause or medical conditions. HRT creams provide quick, uncomplicated administration of hormones that are subsequently absorbed into the bloodstream. This can help alleviate hot flashes, night sweats, depression, and other symptoms of menopause. 

Eat more foods that boost collagen production. 

Your vaginal skin includes collagen and elastin, which allows it to stretch and expand during birth. But as we mentioned earlier, it’s not the same after birth, so eat more collagen-rich foods. These foods include grapes, berries, red meat, eggs, bone broth, fish, spirulina, and grapefruit. 

Try herbal remedies. 

Soaking in a vinegar water bath is a popular and simple home remedy to tighten your vagina. You can also dilute aloe vera gel in water and use it as a feminine wash. The astringents in aloe vera can help in tightening the vaginal tissues. These therapies, when used over time, can help restore vaginal tightness.

Use vaginal cones. 

Vaginal cones (a.k.a. vaginal weights) are weighted, tampon-sized items that use resistance to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. When inserted into the vagina, the muscles compress to keep it in place by passive contraction. You can also use weights with active contractions or other forms of exercise. A tip: Raise the weight of the cones to keep them in place, depending on your preferences. 

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