Forward thinking is a strategy employed by many people in life. Suffice to say, it has proven to be a wise strategy when it comes to our looks. Studies have shown that while genetics play a part in the aging process, what we do with our skin ultimate outweighs our genetic lottery.

There are some strategies that we can take to pay it forward for our skin. That means if we want to look nubile and young in our 40s, we need to start taking care of our skin way before that. Here are 5 of the best treatments your skin will thank you for if you start them early enough.


#1 Thermage FLX

The latest Thermage FLX combines comfort with efficacy. Its larger tip size means treatment time is reduced and the high vibrational settings allow for greater comfort. Being the only patented monopolar radiofrequency device, it helps skin tissue to contract regaining its elasticity and suppleness lost over time. It serves dual purpose as a skin tightener as well as an anti-aging tool to minimize skin sagging.

The key advantage is its long-lasting effects which means that once yearly session is sufficient to change the course of how you age, thereby giving you renewed hope you’re your skin’s future.

Read More: The 3 Things We Can Do to Actually Slow down Aging


#2 Gene Therapy

There are products for now and there are products that are investments for the future. New age products such as Gene Therapy uses Nobel prize winning research that target the DNA aging process. When used together with an effective sunscreen, it has been shown to be able to effectively block photoaging up to 90%. One of the best tools to repair skin from within, this anti-aging cream applied twice a day will deliver bouncier skin that is defiant of the aging process in years to come.

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#3 Youth Savant

For a more immediate boost to your skin, look no further than Youth Savant. This is a series of microinjections of a protein that can help repair skin’s DNA called polydeoxyribonucleotide. Because it is injected directly into your skin, patients are delighted with the immediate effects of smaller pores, brighter more luminous skin as well as slower aging of the skin for the future. A series of sessions gives you best age protection.

Read More: How to Tone Pelvic Floor Without Learning How to Kegel


#4 Forever Young BBL

Recent studies on Forever Young BBL found gene expression changes in the skin akin to more youthful skin with repeated sessions. This no downtime broadband light therapy not only delivers better complexions but also up regulates your skin so it is younger and stays younger for longer.

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#5 Neogen Eyelift

The eyes are the first areas to show signs of aging from hooded lids to lines. Instead of waiting for the inevitable, consider Neogen Eyelift, a plasma therapy that activates the thin skin of the eyelid to grow more collagen and improve on its elasticity and tone. A series of sessions can freshen hooded lids and regular treatments can slow down the decline of your peri-orbital areas.

Read More: 5 Non-Laser Skin Whitening Options That Actually Work



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